❝限量版❞ Talk To Me Intention Candle 意念蠟燭
⇢ 香味:地質香
⇢ 邀請靈體清晰和平地溝通
⇢ 鼓勵靈體不帶恐懼及惡作劇地說明他們的訊息
⇢ 帶領你尋求答案、指引,或是與靈體和平共處
⇢ 確保你的空間得到保護
⇢ Scent: Earthy
⇢ Invites the spirits to communicate with clarity and peace.
⇢ Encourages spirits to reveal their messages without fear or mischief
⇢ Guides you to seek answers, guidance, or simply coexist harmoniously with the spirits
⇢ Ensures your home remains a place of protection and understanding