❝限量版❞ Night Terror Intention Candle 意念蠟燭
⇢ 香味:乳香、檀香
⇢ 驅走黑暗能量,帶來平穩的睡眠
⇢ 保護你免受惡夢及不安的靈體侵擾
⇢ 為你的夢境帶來保護及光明的能量
⇢ 安撫你的恐懼及保護你的睡眠時間
⇢ 助你安然入睡,一夜好眠
⇢ 確保美夢常來
⇢ Scent: Frankincense and Sandalwood
⇢ Banishes the darkness and invite peaceful sleep
⇢ Guards against nightmares and restless spirits
⇢ Brings protection and light into the dream world
⇢ Soothes fears and shields your sleep from lurking terrors
⇢ Helps you drift off into a deep, serene slumber, free from night terrors.
⇢ Ensures only sweet dreams visit during the night